We help you to connect with a global audience to increase and provide you the best lead generation and seamless software experience.

Get Onboard with us to choose your clientele as per your lead management bandwidth and ease.

Our SiliconiX software fits up perfectly in acting as a lead generation software for advertisers, lead allocation tool for publishers and as a swift campaign management tool for both of them.
Our SiliconiX software not only gathers data sources and coordinates Buyer Personas, but also streamline and make the top-funnel demand marketing process and lead tracking scalable along with enhancing the B2B lead generation and lead routing capabilities.
World-Class Solutions for your Business
Top-Funnel Marketing Automation
Ranging from top marketers to marketing automation and ABM novices everyone mainly roots ...
Lead Tracking Measurement
Closed and Integrated KPI Reporting permits KPI information from your MAP and CRM ...
Actionable Lead Generation and Lead Management
Despite voluminous lead generation, the revenue generation and subsequent ...
Automated Lead Processing & Lead Routing
Since integrating the right leads to the right system along with the right field ...
1. Powerful Dashboard
2. Ease of Process Tracking
3. Zero Documentation
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The Siliconixmedia Blog
How Email Marketing is Emerging As The Most Persuasive Marketing Tool
In the sea full of spam marketing emails, one captivating email can catch your reader’s attention floating in today’s time. Emails have become excessively important to convey surplus information in one shot, especially when B2B dealings are based on logic rather than emotions. It is, thus, imperative to understand the logic...
The growing popularity of B2B Marketing Events and their advantages in a Post-Covid world
In the ever-changing world of changing trends, events are something that manages to stay, only with different agendas and patterns. Similarly, the world of B2B, too, heavily relies on events to help on building relationships between businesses and is one of the top B2B marketing strategies. The majority of marketers believe that...
Digital Asset Management: The go-to organised content depository for every modern marketer
Digital Asset Management is a way that lets organisations create, store, distribute and find content quickest and more easily than some ad hoc systems which can be less secure, and difficult to maintain.